Read the scripture out loud:
Matthew 13:44 (The Passion Translation)
“Heaven’s kingdom realm can be illustrated like this: “A person discovered that there was hidden treasure in a field. Upon finding it, he hid it again. Because of uncovering such treasure, he was overjoyed and sold all that he possessed to buy the entire field just so he could have the treasure.
Commentary on this scripture:
(You are welcome to adjust these words in the way you know your child can understand-the below is just a guide)
The hidden treasure is a symbol of you and me. Jesus is the man who sold all that he owned, leaving his exalted place of glory to come and pay for the sin of the whole world with His own blood just so He could have you, His treasure. Heaven’s kingdom realm is experienced when we realize what a great price Jesus places on our souls, for he gave his sacred blood for us. The re-hiding of the treasure is a hint of our new
life hidden in God.
Time to search for the treasure:
You are now going to look for a treasure box that has a special message for you. Look in the strelitzia plants to the left of the start Sign to find it. If you struggle to find it, click on: clues to find the treasure boxes below, to see images of where to look.
Reveal the Treasure Box:
If you are unable to find the treasure box, click below and you will see an image of where to look to find the treasure box.
Treasure Box Activity: