station 3 sign.png

Station 3

Read the scripture out loud:

Psalms 119:105 AMP

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

Ask your child/ren these questions based on the above scripture:

  1. When do you need to use a light?
  2. Why would it be important to have a light when walking on a path?
  3. How can God's word be a light?
  4. If God's word is a light on a path, do you think God's word would help us with direction?

Time to search for the treasure:

You are now going to look for a treasure box that has a special message for you. Search in the bushes that you face when you sit on the bench. Search in the bushes on the left.

Reveal the Treasure Box:

If you are unable to find the treasure box, click below and you will see an image of where to look to find the treasure box.

Clues to find treasure boxes

Box Activity instructions: