station 6 sign.png

Station 6

Read the scripture out loud:

Revelation 3:7

these are the words of the Holy One, the true one, who has David’s key, who opens doors that none can shut and who closes doors that none can open.

Commentary on this scripture:

(You are welcome to adjust the below in the way you know your child can understand-the below is just a guide)

This scripture is describing victorious Jesus in heaven speaking to one of the churches. It describes Him as holding a special key called David’s key. David was one of the kings of Israel and it was prophesied that the Messiah would come from the line of king David which Jesus did. Jesus uses this key to open and close doors, and no one can stop Him. He is the one that does the impossible. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Time to search for the treasure:

You are now going to look for a treasure box that has a special message for you. Search in the plants to the left of the station 6 sign.

Reveal the Treasure Box:

If you are unable to find the treasure box, click below and you will see an image of where to look to find the treasure box.

Clues to find treasure boxes

Box Activity Instructions:

In the box you will find:

A box full of sand