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This guided prayer walk focuses on seeking God for the

Revelation of and encounter with Jesus.

The scriptures for this guided prayer journey focus on the 7 main visions of Jesus in the book of Revelation.

Surely, no other place in scripture so exalts Jesus as the divine and eternal Son of God, majestic Author of life, sovereign and matchless Lord of Lords and King of kings, ruler over all mankind and all history, and High Priest continuously ministering in the midst of His people.

If a deeper revelation and encounter with Jesus and time in His Presence is what you need, this prayer walk will bless you! Much grace and peace to you as you set your heart to seek Him!


START: Presencing

STATION 1A: The Son of Man

STATION 1B: High Priest in our midst

STATION 2: The Worthy Lamb

STATION 3: Kinsman redeemer

STATION 4: Lord of the harvest

STATION 5: One Who was, and is, and is the come

STATION 6: Judge

STATION 7: Immanuel forever

FINISH: Offering & thanksgiving